Gareth Dakin

Creative, Visual Artist, Photographer & Videographer
Photographer 📷
Videographer 📹
My story

I came up from the midlands with an in house scarcity mindset. The north has showed me that it doesn't have to be like that, so now I help out with my skillset everywhere I can.

How can I help you? Aside from creative projects I like to test myself in harsh climates running hills and climbing rocks. Then in direct contrast, which says a lot about my personality, I sit, be still and read. That's got me to here... So far.

My mission

I'm creating an inclusive movement for businesses seeking an experimental and holistic approach to content creation. My mission is to make dynamic brand visuals accessible to every business.

By inviting others into the “Clan” the brand is caring for people at every stage of the Gareth Dakin journey.

Get in touch
